Thursday, May 8, 2008

What's with the title?

This blog isn't about how to fry up a mean omelette, or how to raise poultry. Of course, omelettes and poultry are delicious, so I would have no qualms about changing the subject if given the incentive. But no. For now, this blog is about what bothers me and what must bother many other people too, even if they don't realize it:

The world runs in vicious cycles.

Hence the title. Everybody knows of the "Chicken v. Egg" problem. Which one came first? You need a chicken to lay an egg, but an egg must first hatch the chicken. Never mind that evolutionary biology has already resolved the dilemma. Primitive worms have been laying eggs long before the first Gallus gallus emerged from its shell. Now this would suggest a "Worm v. Egg" problem, but that can be resolved as well. The first genetic mutation that resulted in the production of an egg must have occurred in a species that did not previously produce eggs. Thus, because that individual is considered the first egg-laying worm, and it did not hatch from an egg, worms must have come before eggs. The reproductive details of worms and birds, however, are unimportant in the philosophical consideration of the problem.

And that is what this blog is about. Problems. Lots of them. An endless stream of them. Neatly packed into walls of text and delivered in pixel form to whomever bothers to care.